Our NE, MO, and IA Service Area
While any home can have high radon levels, there are many areas locally that are at a higher risk. To see whether this applies to your home, click the button to the right to see a full list of the high-risk radon zones in our service area.
Radon Defense Midwest is the local expert for radon testing, radon mitigation, duct cleaning, and more. We proudly service Lincoln and all of Greater Omaha. Click below to contact us for a no-obligation estimate for any of our services.
Cities We Serve
Adair, IA
Adair, Bridgewater, Fontanelle, Greenfield, Orient
Audubon, IA
Audubon, Brayton, Exira, Hamlin, Kimballton
Buena Vista, IA
Calhoun, IA
Farnhamville, Jolley, Lake City, Lohrville, Lytton, Manson, Pomeroy, Rockwell City, Somers
Carroll, IA
Crawford, IA
Dickinson, IA
Guthrie, IA
Bagley, Bayard, Casey, Guthrie Center, Jamaica, Menlo, Panora, Stuart, Yale
Harrison, IA
Ida, IA
Arthur, Battle Creek, Galva, Holstein, Ida Grove
Lyon, IA
Alvord, Doon, George, Inwood, Larchwood, Little Rock, Rock Rapids
Mills, IA
Monona, IA
Blencoe, Castana, Mapleton, Moorhead, Onawa, Rodney, Soldier, Ute, Whiting
Obrien, IA
Osceola, IA
Ashton, Harris, Melvin, Ocheyedan, Sibley
Page, IA
Ringgold, IA
Sioux, IA
Alton, Boyden, Chatsworth, Granville, Hawarden, Hospers, Hull, Ireton, Matlock, Maurice, Orange City, Rock Valley, Sioux Center
Taylor, IA
Woodbury, IA
Anthon, Bronson, Correctionville, Cushing, Danbury, Hornick, Lawton, Moville, Oto, Pierson, Salix, Sergeant Bluff, Sioux City, Sloan, Smithland
Atchison, MO
Fairfax, Rock Port, Tarkio, Watson, Westboro
Holt, MO
Craig, Forest City, Maitland, Mound City, Oregon
Nodaway, MO
Blaine, NE
Brewster, Dunning, Purdum
Boone, NE
Albion, Belgrade, Cedar Rapids, Petersburg, Primrose, Saint Edward
Boyd, NE
Bristow, Butte, Lynch, Naper, Spencer
Buffalo, NE
Amherst, Elm Creek, Gibbon, Kearney, Miller, Odessa, Pleasanton, Ravenna, Riverdale, Shelton
Butler, NE
Abie, Bellwood, Brainard, Bruno, David City, Dwight, Linwood, Rising City, Surprise, Ulysses
Cass, NE
Alvo, Avoca, Cedar Creek, Eagle, Elmwood, Greenwood, Louisville, Manley, Murdock, Murray, Nehawka, Plattsmouth, South Bend, Union, Weeping Water
Cedar, NE
Clay, NE
Clay Center, Deweese, Edgar, Fairfield, Glenvil, Harvard, Inland, Ong, Saronville, Sutton, Trumbull
Cuming, NE
Bancroft, Beemer, West Point, Wisner
Custer, NE
Anselmo, Ansley, Arnold, Broken Bow, Callaway, Comstock, Mason City, Merna, Oconto, Sargent, Westerville
Dakota, NE
Dakota City, Emerson, Homer, Hubbard, Jackson, South Sioux City
Dawson, NE
Cozad, Eddyville, Farnam, Gothenburg, Lexington, Overton, Sumner, Willow Island
Dixon, NE
Allen, Concord, Dixon, Maskell, Newcastle, Ponca, Wakefield, Waterbury
Franklin, NE
Bloomington, Campbell, Franklin, Hildreth, Naponee, Riverton, Upland
Frontier, NE
Curtis, Eustis, Maywood, Moorefield, Stockville
Furnas, NE
Arapahoe, Beaver City, Cambridge, Edison, Hendley, Holbrook, Oxford, Wilsonville
Gage, NE
Garfield, NE
Gosper, NE
Elwood, Smithfield
Greeley, NE
Greeley, Scotia, Spalding, Wolbach
Hall, NE
Alda, Cairo, Doniphan, Grand Island, Wood River
Harlan, NE
Alma, Orleans, Ragan, Republican City, Stamford
Holt, NE
Amelia, Atkinson, Chambers, Emmet, Ewing, Inman, Oneill, Page, Stuart
Howard, NE
Boelus, Dannebrog, Elba, Farwell, Saint Libory, Saint Paul
Johnson, NE
Cook, Crab Orchard, Elk Creek, Sterling, Tecumseh
Kearney, NE
Axtell, Heartwell, Minden, Wilcox
Knox, NE
Lincoln, NE
Brady, Dickens, Hershey, Maxwell, North Platte, Sutherland, Wallace, Wellfleet
Loup, NE
Madison, NE
Merrick, NE
Archer, Central City, Chapman, Clarks, Palmer, Silver Creek
Nance, NE
Fullerton, Genoa
Nemaha, NE
Auburn, Brock, Brownville, Johnson, Julian, Nemaha, Peru
Nuckolls, NE
Hardy, Lawrence, Nelson, Oak, Ruskin, Superior
Otoe, NE
Pawnee, NE
Burchard, Du Bois, Lewiston, Pawnee City, Steinauer, Table Rock
Phelps, NE
Atlanta, Bertrand, Funk, Holdrege, Loomis
Platte, NE
Columbus, Creston, Duncan, Humphrey, Lindsay, Monroe, Platte Center
Richardson, NE
Dawson, Falls City, Humboldt, Rulo, Salem, Shubert, Stella, Verdon
Saline, NE
Saunders, NE
Seward, NE
Sherman, NE
Ashton, Hazard, Litchfield, Loup City, Rockville
Stanton, NE
Pilger, Stanton
Thayer, NE
Alexandria, Belvidere, Bruning, Byron, Carleton, Chester, Davenport, Deshler, Gilead, Hebron, Hubbell
Thurston, NE
Macy, Pender, Rosalie, Thurston, Walthill, Winnebago
Valley, NE
Arcadia, Elyria, North Loup, Ord
Washington, NE
Wayne, NE
Carroll, Hoskins, Wayne, Winside
Webster, NE
Bladen, Blue Hill, Guide Rock, Inavale, Red Cloud
Wheeler, NE
Bartlett, Ericson